Digital Inclusion Articles

How Workforce Navigators Is Bridging the Disability Employment Gap

Salesforce’s Workforce Navigators program not only aids in skill building for professionals with disabilities, but also promotes an accessibility-first design approach prioritizing digital inclusion from the start—benefiting all users.

A pair of designers working on an inclusive design system on a giant computer screen.

Inclusive Design Is Central to Accessible Product Development

Salesforce’s vice president of product accessibility advocates for inclusive design and meaningful engagement of people with disabilities throughout the design process, rejecting the outdated practice of post-development usability studies.

An illustration of a woman standing in front of an enlarged laptop with additional screens floating around showing testing elements

Integrating Accessibility Testing Into Salesforce's Trailhead Program

Continual improvements to Salesforce’s Trailhead program are informed by accessibility testing and ongoing feedback received from participants with disabilities.

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A person standing in the middle of a group of floating computer screens reviewing content.
Inclusion Design Accessibility

AI-Generated Content & A11Y

With AI-generated content proliferating, adaptive marketers and writers must refine what is produced to ensure accessibility and WCAG compliance.

Illustration of a person at their desk, coding on their laptop. A cup of coffee, plant and a notebook and pen adorn the desktop.
Design Founding Partner Salesforce

Why You Should Embrace Inclusive Design

By adopting a “shift left” approach to design and beginning with accessibility first, organizations can create digital experiences and professional processes that are both accessible to and inclusive of everybody, regardless of disability status.

Illustration of a father and son playing video games on a flat screen television.
Design Accessibility Industry Spotlight Disability Advocacy Blindness/Vision Impairment

Why Accessible Video Games Matter

Accessible video games can contribute to overall quality of life and interpersonal relationships, as well as helping to combat social isolation for those living with all types of disabilities.

Illustration of a woman surrounded by screens. She is pointing to the screen to the right of her face.
Design Industry Spotlight Disability Advocacy

Annie Jean-Baptiste: Advocating for Product Inclusion Through Every Development Phase

Annie Jean-Baptiste, head of product inclusion at Google, utilizes her platform to advocate for more equity in product development across industries.

Illustration of three people reaching towards abstract shapes, symbolizing teamwork.
Inclusion Design Accessibility

Designing Accessible IoT Experiences

While not every IoT product is designed with accessibility in mind, it has the potential to enable people with disabilities to communicate with and through technologies in ways that were previously unavailable

Illustration of a person sitting at a desk typing on their laptop.

Designing for User Error

Users will always make errors when interacting with technology, sometimes in surprising ways. But we can prevent slips and mistakes by considering the user experience carefully, simplifying where possible, and relying on accessible conventions.