Digital Inclusion Articles

How to Create Awareness & Inclusivity for Those Living With Mental Health Disabilities

With stigma and shame often attached to hidden or invisible mental health disabilities, this explainer outlines types of disabilities, associated stigmas and stereotypes, and why mental health-driven addictions have led to increased drug overdoses and mortality rates.

Illustration of a woman with pink hair sitting in her desk chair, watching a lecture online. She's taking notes in her notebook, and office supplies like pens, pencils and erasers are strewn across the desktop.

Improving Digital Inclusion & Accessibility for Those With Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities must be taken into account during the digital design process to ensure digital inclusion and accessibility for the community. This comprehensive guide outlines common learning disabilities, associated difficulties, accessibility barriers and best practices, and more.

Large, diverse group of people walking, talking, waving and communicating.

Day in the Life: Understanding the Experiences of People With Speech & Language Disorders

This guide outlines some of the daily challenges and experiences of people with speech and language disorders and how they overcome them.

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Three people floating in a spacey galaxy.
Accessibility Disability Advocacy Guide

Living With a Learning Disability: Challenges, Helpful Advice & Improvements

Living with a learning disability presents daily challenges, from understanding text or nonverbal social cues to accessing and utilizing websites for products and services. Understanding and addressing potential barriers to this community—in education, web design, and many other areas—is critical to helping improve inclusion and acceptance, for all.

Illustration of books—they are larger than life, making the people around them look very small. The environment is immersive and exciting.
Accessibility Disability Advocacy Guide

Get to Know the Learning Disability Community

This explainer outlines the scope and diversity of this expansive Learning Disability community and provides support and advocacy resources to help raise awareness, improve inclusivity, and increase acceptance.

Illustration of people video chatting. 8 people appear in their own chat windows, waving, talking and conversing.
Accessibility Disability Advocacy Guide

Developing Digital Inclusion & Usability Strategies for People With Speech & Language Disorders

People with speech and language disorders often face barriers when navigating the internet and accessing websites. Implementing common sense strategies to improve digital inclusion and accessibility enhances the overall experience for all users, especially those with disabilities.

Illustration of a man with red hair and glasses siting at his desk, looking at his computer and typing. He's got one hand on a coffee cup.
Accessibility Disability Advocacy Guide

Improving Accessibility & Digital Inclusion for Those With Physical Disabilities

Incorporating WCAG compliance and input from people with physical disabilities into website designs expands an organization’s reach while improving digital accessibility and inclusion for those otherwise facing significant barriers.

Woman sitting at her desk, wearing headphones and coding on her desktop computer.
Accessibility Guide

How to Improve Accessibility & Digital Inclusion for the Blind & Low-Vision Community

Considering the point of view of disabled users and implementing WCAG standards are among the most effective ways to help improve accessibility and digital inclusion for the blind and low-vision community.

Illustration of YouTube interface playing video of a person at their desk, talking into a mic, waving. Video caption says 'Welcome back. Today we're going to discuss captioning your videos online.'
Inclusion Accessibility Guide

How to Mitigate Accessibility & Digital Inclusion Obstacles for the d/Deaf Community

To mitigate accessibility and digital inclusion obstacles for the d/Deaf and hard of hearing, developers must conduct critical research to understand these ongoing hurdles. This guide outlines the many challenges facing this community, shares useful insights, and provides meaningful inclusion solutions.