Salesforce Advances UN Sustainable Development Goals Through Accessibility, Inclusion & Belonging

Illustration of the Earth, smiling, holding a sign that says #TeamEarth.

Image Description: Illustration of the Earth, smiling, holding a sign that says #TeamEarth.

Salesforce Advances UN Sustainable Development Goals Through Accessibility, Inclusion & Belonging

Salesforce is responding to the climate change crisis and rising inequality by launching #TeamEarth and becoming a founding partner of InclusionHub, aligning its sustainability and accessibility goals with those outlined by the UN Sustainable Development agenda.

Apr 22, 2022

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With the world confronting multiple crises—among them the climate emergency and rising inequality—the United Nations (UN) in 2015 adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to unite world leaders, communities, and individuals.

Similarly, Salesforce, in support of its #TeamEarth initiative, has responded by aligning its sustainability and accessibility goals with those outlined in the UN’s 17 SDGs. You can read more in the company’s 2022 Stakeholder Impact Report.

Here’s an overview of how Salesforce’s focus on accessibility, inclusion, and belonging fits into their broader initiatives.

What Are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

Adopted by the UN in 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Goals consist of 17 discreet aspirations aimed at “promoting prosperity while protecting the planet” by addressing various inequities.

These goals are a rallying cry for all countries to “recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.”

It’s an all-encompassing vision that touches on nearly every aspect of society. Realizing these aspirations will require the work of national and local governments, nonprofits, community organizations, churches, schools, and businesses to step up their efforts.

Hearing this clarion call, the Salesforce Office of Accessibility has responded by prioritizing three specific goals from the UN Sustainable Development agenda.

What Is Salesforce A11Y Doing to Support the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

Salesforce has accepted the challenge and begun shifting organizational efforts to align with the following SDGs. The accessibility team focuses on the following:

Salesforce is making sure all stakeholders have an opportunity to participate in the efforts to guarantee Earth is sustainable and communities are prosperous for many generations to come. And that includes fostering professional cultures and digital platforms that are committed to accessibility, inclusion, and belonging.

Also known as a11y, accessibility means designing physical and digital systems that enable everyone to be full participants in professional and public life. Inclusion is about guaranteeing all people have the opportunities and resources necessary to realize full participation. And going even further, belonging means creating cultures and places where everyone can experience feeling supported and accepted.

This is why Salesforce is a founding partner of InclusionHub, a digital resource that aims to make online platforms accessible and help businesses become more digitally inclusive.

Connecting to the larger efforts outlined in the SDGs, Salesforce has also established #TeamEarth, “a new global campaign that aims to inspire businesses and individuals to help build a more fair, equal and sustainable future.”

Rather than divert critical resources to interplanetary space exploration or virtual escape, #TeamEarth is a platform of change committed to engaging with problems and solutions here, on planet Earth. To address our most pressing needs, Salesforce asserts we need to focus on counteracting climate change and the inequalities that rage among us.

For instance, Salesforce has committed to growing 1 trillion trees by 2030 and to being a Net Zero company with regards to carbon emissions, implementing 100% renewable energy across its full value chain.

Despite the progress that has been made, tremendous work certainly remains to increase accessibility and sustainability at Salesforce—and beyond, throughout the globe.

Salesforce remains committed to the value of equality shared by the UN’s Sustainable Development agenda, because all stakeholders of planet Earth must be involved if we’re going to address the issues exacerbated by climate change and persistent inequalities.

As a founder partner of InclusionHub, Salesforce is collaborating to help bring greater accessibility and digital inclusion to the professional world. Visit its a11y website to learn more.

Written by Jeffrey Howard

Jeffrey Howard is a senior inbound content developer at Hypha HubSpot Development and regular contributor at InclusionHub.

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